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31 December 2012

The Last Post Of 2012

This was quite a year for me. I published my first novel, Adventure Hunters, in January. My JET Program ALT job of five years ended, I moved in with my wife, and joined the writer's group Master Koda on Facebook. My family gave me and Yoko a wonderful wedding reception and Jeremy came for his yearly visit. I got a new teaching job and met some wonderful new teachers and students. Yes, 2012 was busy.

For me, this was my "writing year." This was the year I decided to get serious about writing. I know I'm just a newbie and still have a lot to learn, but this year was a lot of writing firsts for me, and I hope to improve my craft in the following year(s).

What do I have planned for 2013? I'm keeping my resolutions simple and writing-oriented. I want to publish my next novel, become a more disciplined writer, and learn more about marketing and promotion. I think I have become a bit of a social media butterfly, using Twitter much more than I use to, as well as running online promotions, and of course, starting this blog. I hope I can increase my sales this year. Writing is my focus. I love my teaching job, but if it ever came to the point I could make a living writing, I'd quit in a heartbeat and write full-time.

"The best laid plans of mice and men" and all that. I don't know what 2013 will bring. Something wonderful may happen. Something terrible may happen. But as long as I have my wife, my family, my friends, and my readers, I'll be happy and ready to face the new year.

To everyone who has supported me this year, both in flesh and blood and online, I want to say thank you. From flying to Japan, funny emails and Facebook posts, long distance phone calls, and words of advice and encouragement and congratulations; Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, Cody! May it bring you all your heart desires, and all the success you deserve.
