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05 April 2016

Almost There!

The cover art for my second book, Zero Sum Game, is finished. It looks great and I can't wait to reveal it. There are two more steps in the process: the cover art needs text to be worked into a final unified design and the manuscript needs formatting into ebook and print editions. After that, it hits the market!

Like my first novel, Zero Sum Game will be Amazon exclusive. There will be ebook and print versions to match your reading preference.

I had hoped to release it this last year but I procrastinated on the cover, going back and forth between line artwork or photographic, and time just stretched out. But I am happy to say it is back on track and, while I love this book, I'll be glad to put it behind me and continue working on my third novel. That's write (see the pun I did there?), I am already working on a third book. I can't tell you more than that.

Happy reading!


  1. I wish I could be imaginative enough to write fiction. Do you have a link to your first e-book?

    1. https://www.amazon.com/Adventure-Hunters-Similitude-Cody-Martin-ebook/dp/B0071KF6EM?ie=UTF8&ref_=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1
